
Gamify Your Life

When I was a kid,

When I was a kid, I woke up every day full of wonder and unbridled enthusiasm ready to take on the day KNOWING anything was possible. By the time I hit college, I was your typical “fixed-victim” convinced the world was out to get me and there was nothing I could do about it. Don’t believe me? Checkout my highschool senior pic:

will moore young

I was one of the lucky ones...

to experience what I now call my “rock-bottom-bounce” early, forcing my fight or flight instinct to kick in.

Fortunately, it was fight that prevailed, and over the last 25 years I’ve made it my mission to unlock the age-old mystery of what it truly means to be happy, and how to bottle it.

Along the way I’ve concluded without doubt that our happiness is directly correlated to our HABITS. Habits don’t care if they’re good or bad, helping or hurting us, either way they’re going to do their thing and take their toll on our lives over time.

I knew I needed a system...

to get my habits working FOR, instead of against me, so I created my own. The concept fit perfectly into what I now call “The Equation Of Life: Your Belief System + Your Repeated Actions + Time = Who You Will Become.”

Equation Of LIfe Across

The 1st version...

was my mom’s rubber band technique. Handed down from her mom, it consisted of snapping a rubber-band worn around my wrist whenever I had a negative thought. What I Iater came to learn was a Psychology form of aversive conditioning, the method was simple but effective … until you forgot to wear the rubber-band.

The 2nd version...

came from my studies of Ben Franklin. In 1726, Franklin, always looking for ways to improve himself and the world around him, developed his “virtues tracker” where on a single sheet of paper he had the 13 virtues he wanted to develop along the vertical side, and the days of the week across the top. I MacGyvered this into my own version, seen here (actual very first version I made)…. This definitely helped me become aware of what I needed to change, but I found that 1) I would often forget to score myself at the end of the day, 2) Working on so many habits at once proved overwhelming, 3) I had to print a new piece of paper every day and there was no way to quickly reference progress over time.

tracker for habits

The 3rd Version...

My next iteration of my habits tracker was an excel format that allowed me to more easily track/score my habits and added the daily review of wins/losses aspect, as well as a method to track my regular routines.

This last version is the one I’d been using up until recently. All the while knowing that it could be better, but not quite knowing the best way to improve it. A main drawback was that the system had become so robust that the time commitment of reviewing it all pushed me to go to the weekly, vs daily review. It started to feel like homework I dreaded. Also, the system was on my desktop computer, not the palm of my hand I could easily reference at a moment’s notice.

Final Version

Science and technology have finally caught up to match my vision of a gamified habit transformation system that makes it ethically addictive to continually build momentum in the 5 Core Areas OF Life that matter most.

🚀 Harness the power of AI, personalization, and play to break free from life’s monotony!

🚀 Replace willpower with a simple, fun, and rewarding system that puts your habits on autopilot!

🚀 Level up your life in just 5 minutes a day!

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Our Mission: Make Leveling-Up in all core areas as fun as playing your favorite game

Ready player one gif