Transform your habits with AI-Powered Habit Coaching

Our Mission: Make Leveling-Up in all core areas as fun as playing your favorite game

Learn How To Level Up In Life with Habits Coach


In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, three critical challenges hinder personal growth and happiness:

Overwhelm and Confusion
  • Information overload: Drowning in an endless stream of conflicting advice and quick-fix solutions.
  • Decision paralysis: Struggling to identify which habits truly matter for meaningful personal growth.
  • Generic Approaches: One-size-fits-all strategies that fail to address your unique needs and circumstances.
Motivation and Consistency Struggle
  • Instant Gratification Trap: Short-term thinking undermines long-term goals and lasting change.
  • Discipline Deficit: Difficulty maintaining motivation and accountability to form and stick to beneficial habits.
  • Outdated Methods: Traditional approaches often feel boring, daunting, or unsustainable.
Fixed Mindset
  • Limiting Beliefs: Ingrained thought patterns that hold you back from reaching your full potential.
  • Societal Conditioning: External pressures and expectations that stifle personal growth and creativity.
  • Lack of Effective Tools: Absence of systems that promote a growth mindset and continuous improvement.


AI Wellness at your fingertips with Habits Coach

Personalized Habit Identification and Planning
  • AI-driven analysis: Tailored assessment of unique strengths, passions, and lifestyle.
  • Golden Habit Discovery: Customized habit suggestions designed for maximum impact in your life
  • Adaptive goal-setting: Continuously evolving plans that grow with you and adapt to your progress.
Gamified Action & Accountability
  • Engaging interface: Transform habit formation into an exciting, game-like experience.
  • Momentum Boosters: Science-backed techniques to make habits Obvious, Easy, Fun, and Automatic.
  • Reward system: Instant gratification aligned with long-term growth, fueling consistent action.
Mindset Transformation & Systemic Change
  • Growth Mindset Cultivation: Tools and challenges designed to rewire limiting beliefs.
  • Community Connection: Join the “Space Cantina” to share insights and support across all dimensions of personal growth.
  • Continuous Improvement: An evolving system that adapts to your growing capabilities and aspirations.

By addressing these core challenges, transforms the daunting task of personal development into an enjoyable, effective, and sustainable journey. It’s not just about forming habits; it’s about reshaping your entire approach to life, ensuring that positive change becomes not just possible, but inevitable.


🚀 Gamified Rocket-Themed Journey

Mindset Core Image

Mindset Core Icon
Gamified Rocket-Themed Journey
Finance Core Icon
Ethical Gaming for Real-Life Enhancement
Relationship Core Icon
AI-Powered Personalization
Physical Health Icon
All-in-One Personal Development Hub
Physical Health Icon
Community-Driven Growth
Physical Health Icon
Universal Principles Integration
Physical Health Icon
Holistic Life Transformation
Incremental Progression System
Incremental Progression System


3 Simple Steps To Habit Transformation In All 5 Core Areas Of Life:

Step 1: Awareness
(Pre-launch check)
  •  Interactive AI-Powered Self-Discovery: Uncover your unique strengths, challenges, and goals through our interactive assessment.
  • 5 Core Analysis: Identify the key areas of your happiness and what areas/habits you’re struggling with most in each.
  • Future-Self Mapping: Determine how your current habits will shape your future.

Step 2: Vision & Tools (Fueling)
  • Reverse Engineered Success: Use what you learn about yourself to identify the top habits in each core to get to work on.
  • Golden Habit Suggestions: Receive AI-generated, science-backed habits tailored to your unique profile and goals.
  • Friction Reducing Strategies: Access science-based techniques to make habit formation obvious, simple/easy, fun/rewarding, and automatic.

Step 3: Transformation Through Action & Accountability (Liftoff)
  • Gamified Growth Journey: Get ethically addicted to personal development with our game-like interface, offering rewards and friendly competition.
  • Progress Tracking: Learn to crave one of the most difficult aspects of growth witn a simple and intuitive accountability system.
  • Adaptive AI Coach: Experience continuous challenge and motivation with our AI system that evolves as you do.

As you grow, one habit and one core at a time, your positive momentum will spread to your other habits in cores, transforming all 5 in order to fire on all cylinders!


Nick Johnson

Nick Johnson


I met Will about 6 months ago through a program at my University were I was put in the role of a mentee & Will was my mentor. Someone who was struggling to find himself, and the direction in which my life was heading, I called upon Will for answers. Through the thick & the thin Will had my back. He used his five cores to really connect with me which resulted in me understanding what it really takes to be the best version of myself. I have used all that I have learned through Will in various job interviews, conversations with friends, and conversations with family. I truly believe that what Will is preaching and trying to get this world to understand, is extremely useful and can help any person become a better version of themselves, which as Will has been a great person to have one-on-one discussions with. He is very personable, eager to make a difference, and ultimately wants everyone to gain more momentum in achieve their goals and lives. I would highly encourage everyone to look into the Moore Momentum program.

Harrison Loew

Harrison Loew


“Mr. Moore and I met through his alma mater and my current college Rollins College. There, a simple 15 minute conversation blossomed into a mutual mentorship that has provided me with validation of my mission to success and living, what I now consider to be, a 5 Core Life. His background and proven success have shown me a template that is both effective and exciting in any facet of business. Mr. Moore is more than just an entrepreneur with an intense desire to be successful, he is also a patient mentor and caring individual. In a world of texts, tweets, and constant distraction, it’s incredible to see a figure that continues to be successful with the winning attributes that have made some of the greatest businessmen in history.”

Kanishka Desai

Kanishka Desai


“I met Will Moore through 1871 incubator, where my startup Qooley is currently a member company. Will and I connected very well over our initial call and he gave me some very valuable insights and channels through which my young startup could grow. Over our next couple meetings, what I really liked about Will is that he’s very easily approachable and easy to get in touch with. He also checks back in with you when he can. This shows that he’s always ready to help and he truly cares about you and your needs. I have had very valuable meetings with Will and I’d love to continue building my relationship with him. I’d highly recommend Will as a professional advisor or mentor to bring positive change in life.”

How To Win At Life In All 5 Cores

Mindset Core

Mindset Core Image

Train your mind to work for you, not against you, by cultivating a growth mindset. This will help you embrace failure as progress, overcome obstacles, and face fear head-on as you level up!

Mindset Core Icon Mindset Core
Finance Core Icon Career & Finance Core
Relationship Core Icon Relationships Core
Physical Health Icon Physical Health Core
Physical Health Icon Emotional Health Core


Have you asked yourself “How Can I use AI to improve your life? Unlike generic habit trackers, our revolutionary system uses advanced AI to create a deeply personalized experience. We integrate time-tested universal principles with cutting-edge behavioral science, all wrapped in an engaging, game-like interface. It’s not just about tracking habits; it’s about transforming your entire approach to personal growth.

Not at all! Our system is designed to meet you where you are. Whether you’re new to personal development or a seasoned self-improvement enthusiast, our AI adapts to your level and guides you every step of the way.

While everyone’s journey is unique, many users report feeling more motivated and seeing small changes within the first week. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection!

Think of it in terms of a beginner vs advanced player. You’ll want to start with just one or two habits tops, but then as you progress you can unlock different cores and start working on the habits in those as well. This approach allows for deeper, more sustainable change. Our AI will guide you on the optimal pace for your personal growth.

Absolutely. We take your privacy seriously. All personal data is encrypted and stored securely. We never sell your information to third parties. You can review our detailed privacy policy [link] for more information.

No worries! Life happens, and setbacks are a normal part of growth. Our system is designed to help you bounce back. We provide encouragement, adjust your plan if needed, and help you learn from the experience to come back stronger.


Yes! Your account syncs across devices, allowing you to access your personalized plan on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Stay connected to your growth journey wherever you go.

Absolutely! Our “Space Cantina” feature connects you with like-minded individuals on similar journeys. Share experiences, gain insights, and find accountability partners to boost your motivation and success.

We continuously update our system with the latest research in behavioral science and personal development. Our AI also learns from user interactions, constantly refining and improving the experience for everyone.

Gamify your life

Apply game like elements such as rewards, competition, and social connectivity for a dopamine fueled boost in the right direction

Five Cores

Find balance and build momentum in your five life cores: 1) Mindset, 2) Career & Finances, 3) Relationships, 4) Physical Health, and 5) Emotional Health & Giving Back

Momentify Your Habits

Habits don’t care if they’re good or bad, either way they’ll compound over time. Let’s hit the restart button to get them working for instead of against you.

Take The Core Life Evaluator

& Start Firing On All Cylinders Today!

Use Gamification To Activate The Equation Of LIfe

My system uses gamification to get what I call “The Equation Of Life” working FOR instead of against you.

The Equation of LIfe centers around our habits. Habits don’t care if they’re good or bad, helping or hurting us. Either way they’ll compound over time to form who we are.

When you gamify your life you trick your brain into WANTING to take the actions that are good for you in each of your five cores. And eventually these success habits replace those old failure habits on your way up to that bright, bold, beautiful sky

Establish Your Core Baseline

To Start Firing On All Cylinders Today

Only then will you be able to build momentum in all five cores on your way to firing on all cylinders – #5CoreLIfe.
Let’s Get Moving!

Momentify Your Happiness

Momentum is my favorite law of the universe. You can’t see, feel, hear, or touch it but we all know it’s there. In sports, it’s why our favorite team can come from way behind to win, or squander a healthy lead. In business, it’s why a startup can go from a blip on the radar to a dominant force.

In life, momentum is why some people hover just about rock-bottom while others are able to blast off into into that bright, bold, beautiful sky.

I’ve made it my mission to harness the power of momentum and figure that if I can get enough people moving in the right direction, they’ll pay it forward to help the rest of the world do the same.

Are you ready to figure out WHO you are, WHAT you want, and HOW to get it on your way up to the bright, bold, beautiful sky?

Figure out where you currently stand in each of your 5 cores to start living the 5 Core Life.